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Welcome to coderzHEX family We make some intrestting and powerfull fun packed telegram Bots


What we Do ? About us ?


We code </> For you
coderzHEX is a tech team who works with diffrent languages for fun packed telegram bots. Founded by a group of friends who started by scribbling their ideas on a piece of paper, today we offer some funpacked telegram bots for all over the world. We built our solutions by closely listening to our potential clientele and understanding their expectations with our bots.New Bot Release updates, Down Time and Bug fix updates, Relevant Telegram and Tech related News, Opinion and Suggestion Polls. Why not join our fast growing custormer base? Get in touch today to learn more about the coderzHEX story.

Recent Work

My career has followed a natural progression as I’ve kept up with the latest trends in coding and web development. I’ve learnt something from each new project I’ve taken on, and continue to innovate and problem-solve every time I start something new.

Platform Upgrade

While working on our projects, we  dig deep into my prior experience of providing personalized web development services, and we are proud to say the final product has received a lot of incredible feedback.

Some Of Our Famous Works

Some of my projects are image editor bots,renamer bots,Thumbnail supported bots,CRYPTO bot etc.

BOT Development and TG updates

I’m really proud of my work on this project, which was something my client had been struggling with for a long time, without much progress. I was brought in to troubleshoot and take the project down the home stretch.


While working on these project, we have a team to create these projects, the mebers who is working behind of these projects, coderzHEX Devolopers

Man on Computer

What we Offer


An Ideal Framework


Exceeding Expectations


Committed to Quality

Let’s Chat

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